Digital Stage Launches!

Following on from all the Pandemic stories that I wrote and produced the audio performances (with Wombwell Thespians), we also recorded a performance of Oscar Wilde’s most popular play The Importance of Being Earnest. These are released as Podcasts on the Anchor podcast hosting site, and also means they are available on many of the Podcast sites including iTunes Podcasts, Spotify, Podchaser etc. This is great, but means they are not necessarily easy to find. So…

The new website!

A new website now exists which brings all these performances together. This has been started by a few of us who see these audio dramas needing their own home, but also as a possible platform to build on the idea of producing amateur performances. Whilst Podcast sites exist in abundance (and we are grateful for the way they allow us to get exposure), they are not filled with audio performance dramas. And this is something we want to explore and develop further.

And already plans for more new dramas from the pen of Andy and Brett

The website could have been developed under the Wombwell Thespians umbrella, but obviously that is a dedicated theatre group with their own theatre to keep going and a drama group that is directly sourced from local people. And whilst the performances we have done so far are sourced in the main from actors from Wombwell Thespians, it is not all from the group, as we have had other guests including my good lady Linda’s Granddaughter – who lives in Cornwall, and Brett Barnett who himself is a Podcaster and is living much closer in Sheffield.

And reworking old classics too

So we have taken the decision to separate the entities from a control perspective, and give it its own identity, and its own drama group. This in no way means we are poaching actors from the Thespians or anywhere else, as we believe the two entities can be running easily alongside each other, and we will have no restriction on our actors being members of any other group! Our processes for readings, rehearsals and performances are obviously not the same as a performance on stage.

So… welcome to this new venture! The website pretty much says what it’s all about and will feature the actors/members involved having details and bio/pics, as well as all the dramas facilitated by this venture. We do see this venture having a life beyond the pandemic!

See the website here >>>

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