Hoyland Remembers…

As a former Hoyland resident I was very pleased to be asked to take photos at the commemoration event marking the centenary of the end of World War 1. This was on Remembrance Sunday – 11 Nov 2018.

Some of the many hundreds of Hoyland folk that turned out for the event

The event was organised by the team behind Owd’ Martha’s Yard, a community garden created and developed in Hoyland over the last few years. The commemoration service was held in Old Martha’s Yard in Hoyland with entertainment in the neighbouring Belmont Club after.

The reading of the Flanders Field Poem

The event in Old’ Martha’s Yard was a fitting and emotional tribute and followed this schedule:-

6.45pm – A reading of the Flanders Field Poem
6.50pm – Blessing and dedication of the memorial bench
6.55pm – Sounding of the Last Post and 2 minute silence
7.00pm – Lighting of the Beacon
7.05pm – Peeling of the church bells 
7.10pm – Singing the National Anthem

The blessing of the Memorial Bench and the Prayers

Several hundred people helped make the event special, emotional and very memorable as the events proceeded. The poem reading was done with dignity and poise, the blessing and prayers were heartfelt, and the Last Post playing was particularly poignant. The 2 minutes silence was observed with absolutely no audience noise at all (the only noise being the noise from the drone of a drone on high!).

The Last Post

Then followed the lighting of the beacon was done by Alex Dodson, designer and maker of the beacon and the memorial bench (see more info below). Following this was the peeling of the church bells in Hoyland and people in the audience had brought their own bells to ring too, a great sound! And then the patriotic singing of the National Anthem. 

Lighting of the new beacon

It was cool but thankfully dry evening as the service progressed and the beacon burned strongly for some time after providing heat and a continuing spectacle.

About to ring the bells

A great service and fitting tribute from the group and showing Hoyland’s commitment and pride at their historical past and sacrifice of it’s people.

Some of the the well supportive crowd

Following the tribute in the garden, many of the audience went into the Belmont Club for a drink and the other event of the evening, a 40s singing night featuring the talents of well known singer Jayne Darling.

Jayne Darling performing at the Belmont Club

She went through a raft of traditional songs in her 3 sets featuring songs from both world wars as well as many from the 20s to 40s mixed with a splash of other fitting songs.

Belmont Club putting it’s best for forward for the event

Great entertainment was provided and with the Belmont Club decked out in Union Jack flagged grandeur it was both atmospheric and a fitting climax to the events of the whole day.  

Also it should be noted that there was a superb net of poppies cascading from the stage down on to the dance floor. This was handmade and featured hundreds of poppies sewn onto camouflage netting. Another very poignant tribute to the Great War.

More Info

As mentioned above the beacon was designed and built by Alex Dodson of Burned by Design, a Hoyland company of very modern themed wood burners and fire pits. He also designed and built the memorial bench. Both of these significant structures were commissioned by the Owd’ Martha’s Yard team.

The Owd’ Martha’s Yard team of volunteers have done so much to make the community garden so special for the local community. Having only been founded in 2015, they have moved heaven (and literally) earth to create the special community garden – you can’t see so much of it in the evening pictures here, but you can at their Facebook Page.  Today’s events have involved the whole team but especially Alison Richardson and Allan Wood.

Jayne Darling is a Nottingham based professional singer specialising in vintage, swing and jazz entertainment for any event.

Belmont Club, Hoyland provided the club facilities for the Jayne Darling concert.

All photos here by Andy Harris of JFYP Studio

Read my other blog entries here

Some More Photos from the Evening!

One of the British Legion flag bearers
Another British Legion Flag Bearer
The Girl Guides lending their flagged support
The Hoyland people turned up in droves as this and the next dozen or so pictures tell
The beacon burning bright in the dark night sky
Showing the great detailing on the beacon against the bright flames
More detailing including the 100 symbol
 Jayne Darling performing at the Belmont Club

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Andy Harris Written by:

One Comment

  1. Anne Sanderson
    17 Nov 2018

    A superb account of a really special Remembrance Day. Great to see so many people there, Nd Martha’s Yard looking so lovely. For me the memorable things from the evening were ; the bugler, lighting of the superb beacon, and the absolute silence, with so many young children around. All showing respect. They will remember them.

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